Let me strory mory what happen on 19 Oct 2010 hari tu..
As usual kami the whole family akan keluar rumah at 6.55 or 7 am the latest..semua keluar sekali as kami jenis parents yg memang hantar anak2 ke sekolah sendiri..1st hantar the boys to school and then send Aja to her school and off we go the office in Merbok..tak la jauh sangat..selalu by 7.45am kami laki bini dah punch in kat kampus..
And selalu kami akan keluar balik for breakfast in the area yg dekat2 tu..so that morning as we were driving off to our normal breakfast area, Syed got a call from our neighbor informing that our maid naik taxi and the taxi was park kat belakang rumah..
You say WHAT???..macam nak terbuntang mata I..tak kan kot...dia tu baik, sembahyang tak berhenti, bangkit pagi sembahyang and baca Yasin tiap2 lepas Maghrib..
So instead of driving ke Tupah,. we sped off to the Taxi stand..I walked around and in between busses and tazi to search for the maid...I agak mesti la kawasan tu..tapi tak ada, then Syed suggested that we p cari kat kawasan bus ekspress lak, since dia ni pernah duduk KL dulu. A year ago she was woking with an Indian family and cukup 2 tahun dia balik..so I rasa mesti dia nak ke KL..
Kami pun drove ke bus ekspress punya area, I told Syed that I wanted to walk aroud pasal kalau dari dalam kereta memang tak nampak. Fair enough, masa I walked around the area, si pompuan tu was sitting with a jantan Malaysia. Cish! And she was in shorts and t-shirt..tudung dah melayang..
She was kind of stunned and so was the jantan. The jantan tu tak perasan yg kami ni majikan, so dia jerkah kami lak..bila laki I tinggi suara and habag kata kami ni majikan baru la senyap.
He minta maaf and kata jangan la report, dia tolong saja..ceh..aku rasa nak tampo je muka maid n the jantan..panas hati jangan kata la..tapi I tau no point talking to idiots..it will only make two.
Syed bukan jenis yg cakap banyak, tapi that day, he said to the maid, engkau ingat semua orng Malaysia bodoh ke?? kami tak bodoh tau, yng bodoh dia sorang je..(sambik tunjuk kat jantan tu). The jantan kata, "memang bang, saya bodoh " ( I nak gelak pun ada gak masa tu)
We called the police and within minutes, the patrol car datang and the police interrogate kat situ gak...then kami p balai and buat police report. The agent memang tak leh harap, hampeh! angkat phone pun tak nak.tapi kalau pasal duit, cepat je talipon...eeiii..geram sungguh..
To make it short, we told the police that we do not want her and we want to charge the jantan, tapi we were told that we cannot charge the jantan as the maid keluar rumah ngan rela hat..eeiii..lagi la karat hari ni.
My maid ni kalau kerja jenis yg ok..tapi tak dengar arahan. suruh buat lain, dia akan buat lain, so memang bengong la..tapi I tak kisah sangat, lantak la janji ko buat kerja kau. tapi dia habag kat polis dia tak nak kerja dah ngan I pasal dia buat kerja banyak sampai rosak tangan dia..eeii..tak sedar diri. kalau nak kerja senang ko jadi perempuan simpanan la nyok. Memang pun kerja ko jadi pembantu rumah, definitely ko kena basuh baju, basuh lantai n sapu sampah..meluat aku pada bangsa yg perasan gah..
So now, I am maidless and I rasa I will remain this way.. as I dah tak trust pada maid2 ni..Memang I tau ada yg baik tapi yg betui2 baik tu macam susah nak dapat. Yg lari ni kalau you tengok you tak kan percaya, sembahyang ni pantang dengar bang, she will p sembahnyang ( I was very greateful as yg dulu, sembahnyang pun lebih kurang je) and baca Yasin tak berhenti..tapi yg alim pun tak leh harap, nak pulak bila jumpa, she was in shorts!!!
I don't understand why can't they just work accordingly..dah la tau kat kampung hutang keliling pinggang and yet buat perangai kat sini. I memang tak halal kan apa yg terjadi and I will never forgive the agent pun..semua sama je..
YA ALLAH, lindungi la keluarga ku dari benda-benda yang begini....AMIN
On the other hand..I redha as I rasa kalau simpan pompuan tu pun tak guna gak as simpan orang jahat dalam rumah..
My thought on LIFE
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My handsome boy turn 16 today..
My eldest Alhad
I believe it was a Sunday kot, the next day, Syed and I was supposed to go and meet up with the doctor, Dr. Michael Samy to choose the date to have the baby. We all memang dah tahu yang the baby would be delivered thru caesarian section pasal his condition songsang.. jantina pun dah tahu.. dah siap nama pun.. We intend to have the baby after the TOEFL examination which was schdelue on 22nd which is the next Saturday.
Masa tu petang, my husband and me was doing our revision for our TOEFL examination. Kami actually tengah plan nak further our studies and in order to do so we need to have TOEFL, so dok buat revision la husband and wife ni.. l ingat lagi both of us were doing our listening test..dua2 dok dengar tape and buat exercises..Kat luar masa tu tengah hujan ribut, suddenly...water bag pecah..PANIK!!! rasa macam ada air terjun lak... habis kain yang I pakai..
Terus talipon Mummy and Mum said, "Get ur things ready, we are having the baby today!!, Come and fetch me on ur way to the hospital" HAH!!!???
"Today?? Mana boleh... minggu depan exam and barang baby, satu pun tak ada lagi.....( kami konon-konon nak beli after the exam la.. )
You should see both me and hubby kind of panic .. he he.. lawak pun ada bila ingat2 kan..
So off we went with Mummy accompanying me... Daddy kata you all pergi dulu, nanti I datang..
Sampai ke Hospital Tawakal.. nurse pun tolak la I masuk ke labour room.. Dr Samy lak tak ada.. dia p short trip ke mana tah.. I said to the nurses.. "No hurry.. tak sakit lagi..'
At about 7.30pm, Dr Samy sampai and he said happily.. 'OK, we take the baby out at about 9.30pm.. let me have the OT ready for you..'
At all time, Syed was there with me and, off and on, Mum and Dad masuk teman kan I and Syed in the labour room.. Panik siut masa tu..with all the wires and tapes strap around my big belly.. tapi bila dengar baby's heart beat, rasa ish lambat la pulak nak have the baby in my arms..
9.30pm, the nurses came to bubuh apa ntah at my back and then push me to OT room..
Bila tolak masuk OT room tu kan... naik gabra pun ada.. 1st time la kata kan...tapi yang syoknya.. ada lagu...melody very calming and best lak... tapi bila toleh kiri kanan cari Syed.. laa..mana lak laki I ni...tanya pada Dr Bius tu.. dia kata Syed tak leh masuk as this is an emergency caesarian and there is nobody to monitor laki I... huwaaaaaaaaa.....
Isk mamat ni, debik kang baru tau.. I told the doctor.. 'Please.. You have to allow him, if I knew this than I would not have opted for epidural' he he... boleh argue lagi dgn doctor tu.. I dah nak nangis dah and Dr Bius tu tengok I macam nak teriak and dia pun tak lalu nak layan aku la kot, then baru dia allow my hubby masuk..
I bila nampak hubby, lega sangat.... engkau orang nak buat apa kat perut aku, engkau buat la..
Then baru si Dr Samy tu masuk and told me that they wanted to start the procedure..
During the procedure, Syed and I was reading the surah Fatihah all the time.. takut beb.. tak tau la siapa yang takut lebih..air mata ni dok meleleh jangan kata la kan..suspense, seronok, excited semua ada..
Dekat 10 min doctor 'kerunaih' my tummy, ( well.. I actually can feel the small movement kat perut I..serious! suddenly Abg Samy said, " The baby is born!!""
Nurse pompuan comel pun datang la pegang baby and showed me.... He was so red and SMALL...ish kecik la budak ni.. 2.79 je kot..perut sikit punya besar ke??....I tengok muka Syed, Syed tengok muka I..he was beaming with joy. I swear I saw tears in his eyes..
Then Syed p dekat nurse nak minta 'Bang' kat telinga baby..About 20 minutes later, they pushed me out to my room. Proud Tok Dad and Tok Mum was there waiting for me.. My dad was smiling all the way.. Terima cucu pertama..they then wooshed off to the babies room with Syed and tinggal la I sorang2 dalam bilik.. he he
Since my baby was a premature baby, he had some breathing prob, he was placed in the incubator. permature la kata kan and he was indeed small. Si kecik tu was in the incubator for a week and seminggu juga la I and hubby berkampung di Hospital Tawakal..
Now, Syed Izzuddin Alhady dah 16 years old... he is very active in sports and holds a Black Belt belt in taekwondo.. He has excel well during his PMR last year. Currently, Syed and I are assisting him to focus for his SPM as this would allow him to achieve his dreams, insya ALLAH.
To my darling Izzuddin,
You are a good son and you have always help me and Walit in taking care of the two younger ones when both of us are busy with our work..
Umi doakan Abang success in everything and anything you venture.,Walit and Umi would definitley support and back you up!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Dua Tiga hari sebelum raya..
Entry lambat tapi ok apa..busy tahap cipan k
Raya was GREAT!!!
I took leave since Tuesday, 7th Sept 2010..pagi bakar cake n cookies, ptg balik buka posa with MIL in Alor Setar. Ramai waktu berbuka tu, Kak Munirah n clan plus mine the whole geng.
Frankly, I tak dapat nak ingat what we had but I can easily confirm kanji and kuih cara ada. Those are my kids favorite and MIL will definitely buat.
We left after Isyak and before masuk highway, as usual kereta akan berhenti di Keow teow Iman as the penumpang2 nya nak makan..
Sampai Sungai Petani at midnite..
Then on Wed, kami balik ke Sungai Siput, Perak..sampai2 Kak Yati ( my cousin) tgh nak masak lauk for berbuka..we arrive 1st then my cousin, bro Zam n clan sampai satu kereta..after an hour, my sis sampai satu gerabak ( anak dia ramai..5 org! he he). Dia orang ni travel dari KL..sian depa, jam katanya..
Sungai Siput is actually rumah my late auntie, tapi kami setiap kali raya memang berkumpul di situ as my parents balik sana..di Sungai Siput besides Kak Yati ada 2 lagi my cousin yg resides there and their house is all 'sepelaung' away aje..so kalau toilet tak cukup, boleh kawad g rumah Abg Li and do some 'personal' business there.
The rumah yg selalunya Kak Yati dok sorang, that nite ada kat 30 org berbuka..he he riuh rendah waktu makan..bersilang-silang tangan nak ambik lauk..but that is what raya and family is all about..sit, eat, laugh and eat and talk, eat n sleep..
Then malam tu semua glued depan TV pasal nak dengar si mohor diraja buat announcement raya..ish..nasib baik tak raya the next day, kalau dak , jenuh gak la nak masak
The next day was masak2 day, the gentleman decided to masak lemang sendiri...seronok rupanya masak lemang ni..berasap satu rumah as depa ni masak dekat porch betui2 tepi rumah..habis semua lari dok bawah..adeh..what la..
Malam tu, Mummy and Daddy sampai..terubat la rindu pada Mummy and Daddy I..best best..
dah dah..nanti sambung..nak kena mark paper sat..nanti ada yg melompat klau grade tak lekat kat pintu..ish
Raya was GREAT!!!
I took leave since Tuesday, 7th Sept 2010..pagi bakar cake n cookies, ptg balik buka posa with MIL in Alor Setar. Ramai waktu berbuka tu, Kak Munirah n clan plus mine the whole geng.
Frankly, I tak dapat nak ingat what we had but I can easily confirm kanji and kuih cara ada. Those are my kids favorite and MIL will definitely buat.
We left after Isyak and before masuk highway, as usual kereta akan berhenti di Keow teow Iman as the penumpang2 nya nak makan..
Sampai Sungai Petani at midnite..
Then on Wed, kami balik ke Sungai Siput, Perak..sampai2 Kak Yati ( my cousin) tgh nak masak lauk for berbuka..we arrive 1st then my cousin, bro Zam n clan sampai satu kereta..after an hour, my sis sampai satu gerabak ( anak dia ramai..5 org! he he). Dia orang ni travel dari KL..sian depa, jam katanya..
Sungai Siput is actually rumah my late auntie, tapi kami setiap kali raya memang berkumpul di situ as my parents balik sana..di Sungai Siput besides Kak Yati ada 2 lagi my cousin yg resides there and their house is all 'sepelaung' away aje..so kalau toilet tak cukup, boleh kawad g rumah Abg Li and do some 'personal' business there.
The rumah yg selalunya Kak Yati dok sorang, that nite ada kat 30 org berbuka..he he riuh rendah waktu makan..bersilang-silang tangan nak ambik lauk..but that is what raya and family is all about..sit, eat, laugh and eat and talk, eat n sleep..
Then malam tu semua glued depan TV pasal nak dengar si mohor diraja buat announcement raya..ish..nasib baik tak raya the next day, kalau dak , jenuh gak la nak masak
The next day was masak2 day, the gentleman decided to masak lemang sendiri...seronok rupanya masak lemang ni..berasap satu rumah as depa ni masak dekat porch betui2 tepi rumah..habis semua lari dok bawah..adeh..what la..
Malam tu, Mummy and Daddy sampai..terubat la rindu pada Mummy and Daddy I..best best..
dah dah..nanti sambung..nak kena mark paper sat..nanti ada yg melompat klau grade tak lekat kat pintu..ish
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