My thought on LIFE

"Live Life to the Fullest yea!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hari jantung nak luruh - RESULT PMR!!

I couldn't sleep..makan pun tak lalu..2 hari had to face the same situation..pagi tadi just ahd coffee je.

The same situation faced by my son, Syed Izzuddin Alhady..hari ni result PMR keluar. Both of us are dead nervous, so is the father but as alwasy he is so calm and cool.

My son was pretty quiet at the dinner table last nite.

However I have to admit, masa otw to school tadi semua orang suspense, bila masuk dewan lagi la susah hati tapi when he got his result, ( I was jauh sikit from dia) I saw the smile and I know he has done very well in his exam.

Syukur, he got 8A's in his PMR!!!

All the hard work had paid off..

Enjoy the pics k..nanti I update lagi..

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Too many things in my mind..Time management is the key word!!

What is time management?

It is actually how well you manage your time..everyone has 24 hours a day but many are not able to complete many task as much as other people did..

well ...let's try to manage things well yea..

Psst :-
Things to do:
1. Complete LR for PM MWO
2. Draft the book- what to write and how..when and what
3. LR for FRGS fund..
4. Book for work 1 @ group
5. Book with a friend..

At the same time - GREAT TIME WITH FAMILY!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Haniff and his UPSR results

I masukkan post yang penting dulu la yea..banyak sangat kerja..this blog sampai dah bersawang gila..

The UPSR results were already out last Thu @ 18 November 2009. I have to admit that I had sleepless nite 2 days in a row before that. I was dead worried for my darling Haniff.

Haniff is a very relax guy and he is so calm..very much like his Walit.. dulu kalau nak exam I will be nagging and blabbling my mouth and he is still very relax..

I still remember he said, ' Relax la Umi.. kan tadi dah bagi sejam"
Umi kata , " sejam aje baca buku..sehari ada 24 jam, tidur 6 jam, p sekolah 8 jam and that is baru 14 jam, baca buku sejam and what do you do with the balance??

Haniff jawab :- Main game la..ish Umi ni..

Umi : - 'HAH??!!!...HANIFFF!!!!!!''''

Haniff response - "ok la..adik baca lagi setengah jam k. Jangan bising-bising tau..'

Umi :- 'ikut la adik'

That was before the exam.. that worries me so much as Haniff jenis yang very him what is important is his TV and computer game.

On the day of the result, Haniff look very queit. When I asked him why, he admit that he is no use la sayang, I told him..kita dah usaha and kita terima je..I'm with you all the way k..( I was actually trying to pujuk myself.. he he)

That morning, I drag my feet to the office and lamanya rasa pagi tu..ish 9.30 Haniff tak talipon pun, I called him and ask ..he said ' Sabag la Umi..tak dapat lagi....ish"

At 10.15 he called..the minute I saw his name on the hp, I dah panik..

Haniff - 'Umi, adik dapat 5A!" Dengar je benda tu, I just cried!!

Huyoo..lega gila siut..habis satu penantian..I am a very happy Mum..I know he will do well tapi since mamat sorang ni jenis yang very lepak, I pun naik gabra..

After our conversataion, I went to search for my hubby. He was having a session with his students.. I just ketuk the door and show a thumb up sign and my darling hubby smiled with joy..

Nanti sambung k..

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chocolate Moist Cake

Hmmm... hungry?
Well..this is one of the cakes which I bake for sale during last raya.
I just discovered that baking is something I enjoy and currently I do bake for friends and neighbors.

Khasiat Mandi - Interesting article

I received this thru mail and thought of sharing it with fellow readers:

Khasiat Mandi.

KAJIAN terbaru berkaitan dengan mandi mendapati ia bukan saja bertujuan untuk membersihkan diri daripada kotoran, tetapi menjauhkan stress serta berperanan penting meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.

Penyelidikan yang diterbitkan dalam New England Journal of Medicine menunjukkan penderita diabetes yang menghabiskan masa selama setengah jam berendam dalam air suam dapat menurunkan tingkat gula darah sekitar 13 peratus.

Kajian di Jepun pula menunjukkan 10 minit berendam dalam air panas dapat memperbaiki kesihatan jantung terutamanya untuk lelaki.

Berikut beberapa manfaat mandi kepada individu yang mengamalkannya.

1. Mengeluarkan racun:Mandi air panas sekitar 32 hingga 35 darjah Celsius membuka ruang yang dapat membantu mengeluarkan toksin. Mandi air panas membantu menurunkan tingkat gula darah, menyembuhkan sakit otot dan membantu menjaga usus besar supaya bekerja dengan baik. Waktu yang dianjurkan ialah selama 10 hingga 20 minit.Mandi air sejuk sangat baik untuk meredakan ketegangan. Ia dapat menyempitkan darah dan meningkatkan tingkat gula darah. Suhu yang dianjurkan ialah sekitar 12 hingga 18 darjah Celsius.

2. Jangkitan kulit : Penyakit kulit tertentu seperti ruam atau gatal-gatal boleh diatasi dengan menambahkan soda penaik (sodium bicarbonate) ke dalam air mandian. Ia bertindak sebagai antiseptik. Isikan air ke bekas mandian dan tambahkan soda penaik dan aduk sehingga rata. Digalakkan untuk berendam selama 10 hingga 20 minit.

3. Selesema dan sakit kepala : Merendam kaki dalam air panas membantu menyembuhkan selsema, sakit kepala dan menyegarkan kembali kaki yang lelah. Masukkan air panas secukupnya dalam bekas sehingga menenggelamkan pergelangan kaki kemudian tambahkan beberapa titis minyak seperti lavender, peppermint atau lemon. Selepas basuh dengan air sejuk. Lakukannya selama 10 hingga 20 minit.

4. Insomnia : Merendamkan kaki dalam air dingin sangat baik kepada anda. Yang mempunyai masalah imsonia atau memiliki masalah tidur. Masukkan kaki sehingga ia merasa dingin. Perubatan ini berguna bagi kaki lelah,pendarahan hidung, selsema dan sembelit.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

It has been quite a while..

Hi people.. It has been quite a while since I last update this page..

Yes, I have been busy.. I'll promise I will update when the time permits!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

16th Anniversary - 21 August 2009

Last Friday, me an hubby celebrated our 16th Anniversary. ye yea.. We went shopping and a quick snack out just the two of us.. Nak naik motor tak boleh as the weather looks kind of cloudy so we opt for the car.

I am very lucky and blessed as I share my life with such a caring and understanding man. Syed Mohammed Alhady is a very simple and straight forward man. No fussy and always looks at things positively.

I have to admint that at times we do have our differences in certain issue but hey.. that is normal la.. Not everybody is the same.. all of us are unique in our onw way. The most important thing is both of us understand each other and supports each other, may it be about work, family or other any issue pertaining both of us.

I still remember the days where we both met. Ramai yang tak percaya and tergelak bila I kata I met hy hubby in the bus while going to work years ago in KL. Rumah sewa dia is acroos the highway where my mum's house is. That was in October 1992 when I baru transfer from Pahang and Syed baru transfer from Seremban to KL.

One lead to the other, after jumpa atas bus, then jumpa di pasar malam and so happen his ex office mate masa tu baru join BBMB where I work. We started to meet up and on 3rd Jan 1993 he came to meet up with Mum and Dad. Syukur alhamdullilah we got engaged on 30 January 1993 and on 21st August 1993 we got married.

Now we have 3 energetic and active kids who are in their schooling years. Two handosme gentleman and a princess. Good combination I have to admit.

To Syed Mohammed Alhady - Thanks for everything, your support, encouragement and love and I selalu doakan kita berdua sihat untuk tempuh hari-hari tua vogue bersama..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Dr Fadillah Kamsah says..

I received this in my email and I want to share what Dr Fadilah Kamsah says...

Ketika kamu melihat seseorang... ..Ingatlah itu sebagai pertemuan suci.... Ketika kamu melihat orang itu...Kamu melihat dirimu sendiri... Ketika kamu menganggapinya. .Kamu menganggaplah dirimu sendiri..... ..

Let us share what Datuk Dr. Fadilah Kamsah used to say: "Ada orang datang ke pejabat dengan perasaan penuh gembira & ceria , ada datang dengan perasaan "biasa" dan ada datang dengan perasaan serba tak kena "

Ingat lah, sesiapa yang datang hanya dengan perasaan "biasa" saja, hasilnya adalah "biasa" saja, sesiapa yang datang dengan ceria, hasilnya akan jadi lebih daripada biasa ataupun luar biasa.

Bekerja la dengan ceria agar menghasilkan produktiviti yang luar biasa yang akan menggembirakan orang di sekeliling kita. Semoga hasil itu akan mendapat keberkatan insyallah... .

" Jadi renungkan lah....

1. Ada antara kita datang ke pejabat hanya memenuhi tanggungjawab 'DATANG BEKERJA' tapi hampa, hasilnya macam kita ' TAK DATANG' kerja
2. Ada kala kita rasa kita BUSY giler, rupanya kita hanya 'KELAM KABUT' .
3. Adakala kita rasa kita PERIHATIN , tapi rupanya kita BUSY BODY.
4. Adakala kita rasa kita OPENMINDED and OUTSPOKEN tapi rupanya kita KURANG PENGAJAR'AN.
5. Adakala kita rasa kita berpemikiran KRITIS , rupanya kita hanya lebih kepada KRITIK yang mencipta KRISIS .
6. Adakala kita rasa kita ingin menjadi LEBIH MESRA tapi rupanya kita di lihat lebih MENGADA-NGADA .
7. Adakala kita suka bertanya 'KENAPA DIA NI MCM TAKDE KEJE', adalah lebih baik kita tanya 'APA LAGI KEJE YANG AKU BOLEH BUAT ?'
8. Adakala kita rasa kita ni pekerja yang SEMPURNA,BAIK DAN BERDEDIKASI tapi cuba tengok dalam-dalam, selagi hati kita berdengki, jatuhkan reputasi sesama rakan sekerja (report kat bos kawan kita tak bagus dari kita) dan tak amanah (mencuri dan tak siapkan kerja),kita sebenarnya patut terima hakikat betapa kita lebih teruk dari dari anggapan kita itu sendiri.

Pejam mata dan renung lah diri, kalau kita perlu melakukan ANJAKAN PARADIGMA , maka lakukanlah segera...tapi manusia tetap manusia... sukar untuk berubah kerana kita selalu beranggapan kita lebih baik... adakah dengan merasakan itu kita sememangnya terbaik?

Maka untuk itu , mari kita mula senyum, ceria, mesra sesama kita dan tingkat kerjasama dalam kerja, tak rugi kita semai rasa 'kekeluargaan' dalam tugasan .. kalau kita kurang kerja, cari la kerja membantu teman-teman yang lain.

Tak dapat gaji lebih pun tak apa sebab pahala dapat.. kita withdraw kat akhirat nanti... tapi kalau kita asyik dengki mendengki.. nasib la sebab sudah ditentukan jalan yang sukar itu yang kita pilih..

~ Renungi lah, berapa ramai kawan kita dan berapa ramai lawan kita, nescaya itulah kayu pengukur diri yang sebaiknya "Mengkritik tidak bererti menentang, Menyetujui tidak semestinya menyokong, Menegur tidak bermakna membenci, dan berbeza pendapat adalah kawan berfikir yang baik."

So.. what say you??? ready to take the challenge and change?? Think about it ...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just a note..

Take one small step at a time..

Enjoy every moment of life..

Enjoy every second you have with your kids and love ones..

Jangan kalut..nanti sampai gak..!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Expectancy Theory - OB

Expectancy theory
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Expectancy theory is about the mental processes regarding choice, or choosing. It explains the processes that an individual undergoes to make choices. In organizational behavior study, expectancy theory is a motivation theory first proposed by Victor Vroom of the Yale School of Management.

Expectancy theory predicts that employees in an organization will be motivated when they believe that:
-putting in more effort will yield better job performance
-better job performance will lead to organizational rewards, such as an increase in salary or benefits
-these predicted organizational rewards are valued by the employee in question.

"This theory emphasizes the need for organizations to relate rewards directly to performance and to ensure that the rewards provided are those rewards deserved and wanted by the recipients."

- Emphasizes self interest in the alignment of rewards with employee's wants. - Emphasizes the connections among expected behaviors, rewards and organizational goals

Vroom's theory assumes that behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and to minimize pain. Together with Edward Lawler and Lyman Porter, Vroom suggested that the relationship between people's behavior at work and their goals was not as simple as was first imagined by other scientists.

Vroom realized that an employee's performance is based on individual factors such as personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities.

Sehati Berdansa- version cucu Tok Daddy

This video always make me smile....Ini masa tengah gila session Sehati Berdansa musim ke -2 kot and this was at Mummy's place in Gombak.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A challenging week...9th till 16th August 2009

6th August 2009 (Sunday) - ada meeting at 8.30am and I was in campus as early as 7.45am.. attended the meeting and then at about 9.30am dah jalan nak masuk bilik. At 10.00am, maid telephone to inform that Aja ada temperature. I rushed home and took her to the cl9inic.

7th August 2009 ( Monday). temperature tak turun...hubby and I took Aja to Metro jumpa specialist terus. We were advised to have Aja admitted and that's what we did. That was about 11am..I was left in the hospital with Aja as Syed had to go to work. I memang ambik emergency leave..
At about 3.30pm, my 4 corporate leaders came to visit my girl, Faezah, Afiqa, Farza and Zahiri came. Thanks ye.. than Zihan and hubby came, then si Zu my neighbor came. At about 6pm, I sendiri dah start to mengigil.. I rasa demam semacam. When Syed arrived with the boys, he took me to the emergency room and I WAS ALSO ADVISED TO BE ADMITTED!!! Adeh.. how la.. I am suppose to be the misi@ nurse but now I am also the patient..but I just obeyed to the instruction and advised.

8th August till 14th August 2009.. nothing much.. eat ubat, eat all kinds of hospital good food and what I and Aja knows is that we will wait eargerly for Syed and the 2 boys to come and visit us in the evening..

14th August 2009.. HAniff stayed with me and Aja.. Aja is very attached to Haniff as Haniff suka sakat dia. Haniff's presence was a good thing to Aja.

15th August 2009 (Saturday) - Aja and myself got better tapi still tak leh balik...

16th Sugust 2009 ( Sunday) - Dr Lim came to check Aja at about 9am and he said that Aja's condition has improved very much.. lega and he said that Aja can go HOME!!! yea yea..I called Syed and he came to pick us up at 12.30pm right after his class..

Habis satu minggu..hope next week would be a better one..Salam

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What I did today?

Well.. the day started with a big mug of coffee to wake me up and then I was in the kitchen whipping up 3 varieties of cakes as requested by my kiddos.. It was also for food tasting session by friends meant for Hari Raya orders.

During mid morning, Mummy called just to say hello. baru teringat that the last 2 days kalau call parents asyik dok sembang with dad je, Mum was never wonder she was worried as lama tak sembang dengan I.

I am now trying to visualize what I need to do tomorrow morning.. I still have a chapter to read and some slides to complete..Insya ALLAH things would fall accordingly..

Salam and Hi All...

Why I start to blog?
Well.. I've got a fotopage and a facebook. Fotopage is great but at times, when you do not have enough photos, you do not have the mood to publish and update ur page, therefore I've decided to have a blog which will make things easier and motivate me to update of what I am doing.

What I want to write would depends on what's happening in my daily life as a mom, wife and lecturer. I'm a mom to three energetic kids and a happy wife to Syed Alhady. I share my industrial knowledge with my fello future corporate leaders in one of the uni here up north.

Another reason for this blog is that at times, I find it difficult to post a reply to friends blog should you have none yourself..