My thought on LIFE

"Live Life to the Fullest yea!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Do u go to the library?

Well..I masa diploma days dulu ada gak la lepak kat library...masa tu ITM Arau..orang lain buat accounts ( I budak DIA ye), I will go an cari magazine..during my degree days, langsung tak pernah pergi library as my hubby will assist me with the info searching..he he..itula untungnya bila husband has a degree in library science..sekejap je dia cari info..kalau kita ni kang, terkebil-kebil and terkial-kial cari why waste time? lebih baik duk rumah and jaga anak..kwang kwang kwang ( masa ni I was already married with one kid and expecting the 2nd one.. I buat degree lepas kahwin )

Masa buat Masters lagi la kan.. Masters lak buat part time, so memang no time to go library. However, now I find some time at least once in every 2 months to bawa kids to the public library ( jangan la gelak..I tau la it should be more often, tapi slowly la k).

Orang dulu kalau g library is more to study, but now I think it should be cultivated and make it a culture or turn it as a hobby to visit the library. However many says that the library is tak menyeronokkan. Is it the prasarana or the reading materials?

Tapi does ilmu  be obtained thru reading books only? now dah banyak source of info and there are also books online. So parents, besides taking the kids to the library, I think we also need to invest in internet access n computers for kids at home..kita yang mampu, syukur alhamdulillah tapi pada yg tidak, is that the end of the world? Think it over yea

Note :
This is just some rambling orang yg stress at work...pardon me ye

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